Saturday, May 27, 2023

The Results of my Myers-Briggs 16 Personality Test

Your personality type is: Advocate 

Your full personality type code is INFJ-A 

Advocates are quiet visionaries, often serving as inspiring and tireless idealists. 

  Introduction “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.” -JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE 

 Advocates (INFJs) may be the rarest personality type of all, but they certainly leave their mark on the world. Idealistic and principled, they aren’t content to coast through life – they want to stand up and make a difference. For Advocate personalities, success doesn’t come from money or status but from seeking fulfillment, helping others, and being a force for good in the world. While they have lofty goals and ambitions, Advocates shouldn’t be mistaken for idle dreamers. People with this personality type care about integrity, and they’re rarely satisfied until they’ve done what they know to be right. Conscientious to the core, they move through life with a clear sense of their values, and they aim never to lose sight of what truly matters – not according to other people or society at large, but according to their own wisdom and intuition. 

 Advocate (INFJ) personality 

Seeking Purpose 

Perhaps because their personality type is so uncommon, Advocates tend to carry around a sense – whether conscious or not – of being different from most people. With their rich inner lives and their deep, abiding desire to find their life purpose, they don’t always fit in with those around them. This isn’t to say that Advocates can’t enjoy social acceptance or close relationships – only that they sometimes feel misunderstood or at odds with the world. Fortunately, this sense of being out of step doesn’t diminish Advocates’ commitment to making the world a better place. Advocates are troubled by injustice, and they typically care more about altruism than personal gain. They often feel called to use their strengths – including creativity, imagination, and sensitivity – to uplift others and spread compassion. Nothing lights up Advocates like changing someone else’s life for the better. Many Advocates see helping others as their mission in life, and they’re always looking for ways to step in and speak up for what is right. People with this personality type also aspire to fix society’s deeper problems, in the hope that unfairness and hardship can become things of the past. At times, however, Advocates may focus so intently on their ideals that they don’t take adequate care of themselves – a pattern that can lead to stress and burnout. 

 Connecting with Others (and Themselves) 

Advocates may be Introverted, but they value deep, authentic relationships with others. Few things bring these personalities as much joy as truly knowing another person – and being known in return. Advocates enjoy meaningful conversations far more than small talk, and they tend to communicate in a way that is warm and sensitive. This emotional honesty and insight can make a powerful impression on the people around them. A few close relationships, provided that they’re genuine, can fill Advocates’ hearts to the brim. Thoughtful and compassionate, Advocates pour a great deal of energy and care into their relationships. This doesn’t mean that they always feel appreciated in return. Advocates tend to act with great thought and care, and it can frustrate them when other people don’t recognize their good intentions. As a result, even constructive criticism may feel incredibly personal or hurtful to these personalities. 

 A Personal Mission 
Many Advocates feel that their life has a unique purpose – a mission that they were put onto this earth to fulfill. For people with this personality type, one of the most rewarding aspects of life is seeking out this purpose – and then, once they’ve found it, striving to do it justice. When Advocates encounter inequity or unfairness, they rarely give up – instead, they consult their intuition and their compassion to find a solution. With their innate ability to balance the heart with the head, Advocates are hardwired to right the wrongs of the world, no matter how big or small. These personalities just need to remember that while they’re busy taking care of everyone else, they need to pause sometimes and take care of themselves as well.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Memoirs of my old travels

I am writing today fast forward 10 years of my life. A lot has changed, mostly me being from a carefree young lady to a full-pledged mother. Right at this moment, I am on duty on my own pharmacy, a tought that never came to my mind 10 years ago, since I had the last entry on this blog. I also never thought that I would still be able to write, let alone have access to this blogsite. I used to have a very active and fast paced lifestyle, right at the heart of Manila, Philippines where I was working before. I used to work on weekdays, and travel and have fun during the weekends, which I usually look forward to during the work week. If I am not travelling, I was having fun outside with my friends. Weekends are the best. Until I got married and had kids. My life had a total turn, I moved from the busy city to the laid back life in the province the southern part of the country. The partying stopped, and it turned to taking care of my kids. I set up my own pharmacy as I think there is a necessity and a demand somehow of a pharmacy in the place. It also made me retire from working in the the office and at the same time practice my profession. I lived a fairly contented life, although I have to admit that I also miss my routine and adventures in work and travel sometimes. I have my own travel adventures right now in this island and maybe that's what I will be writing about in the next entries. Okay, now I gotta go and close my shop. Have fun reading my next entries!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

public service / job

hello friends! if you are interested in

working for MAERSK Shipping company in

Ortigas, kindly message me so my brother

can refer you to them, they are

currently hiring for back office jobs,

this is not a call center. thanks! :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

facebook generation

the status of the day that amused me the most was this: Welcome to Facebook... Where love stories are perfect. Where shit talkers tell the truth. Where everyone brags they have the perfect life and claim to be in love with their partners. Where your enemies are the ones that visit your profile the most. Where your ex-friends block you. Where your ex-love unfriends you. Where you post something & people interpret whatever the hell they want.

So whatever happened to the value of being anonymous? In this generation it became like a death penalty, and if you dont create an account for yourself, someone definitely will.

Friday, January 21, 2011

happy 2011

the first blog for this year 2011, i would want to make a regular posting since i already have a notebook and i could get online frequently.
since the mid of last year i havent been posting my trips as i have been busy setting up my facebook account and stuff, so i want to post my trips on the later part of 2010.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

summer leg three - lucena and luban, quezon province

Honestly, i am not too keen on the pahiyas festival in the province of Quezon, although we have relatives in my mother's side in the area that we could go to. This the is the first time if my memory serves me right that I personally got off the did the "little stop over" that we were just doing during the times that we were going to my mothers home town in bicol.

My mom didnt actually promised that we can go to alot of places since she spent her highschool years in lucena city and she said the place is a lot modern now. She also warned me before i leave that the houses are no longer decorated since the actual festival fell on a saturday and we will be arriving at saturday midnight. According to the old ritual, when the patron passes the street, the entire decorations should be removed without leaving anything behind.
Here are the few houses that won the decorating festival that was preserved probably for until sunday for the late visitors to see.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

summer leg two - vigan ilocos sur

Despite many warnings about not going to alien places during the holy week especially on good friday, i still insisted to take a break from the metropolis and go laid back for a four day rest day.
We went via florida bus to vigan thursday night and arrived at early friday morning, and went home on sunday afternoon.
More blogs to follow. The picture was taken from the world heritage site of Calle Crisologo.